
  • During the hike, you have to carry your own luggage/backpack. Your porter is your back. 
  • The best option is a backpack that can hold 60 + 20 liters. Don't forget that it is a group hike and we will have to share the equipment between us.
  • Equipment for personal carrying: camping gear and food are around 11-15lbs (5-7kg) in addition to your equipment. Don't bring the stuff that you don't think to use. 
  • Make sure your documents are valid. Weasel Adventure is not responsible for travel documents, entry refusal, and border issues. 
  • All objects during the hike are considered artifacts. Please keep it for others. They are property of Canada and USA parks. 
  • Before the trip please, try your boots, it will make your adventure more enjoyable. 

The night before crossing the pass, Schwatka recorded his impressions of the steep crossing:

All around us was snow or the clear blue ice of the glacier fronts, while directly northward, and seemingly impassable, there loomed up for nearly four thousand feet the precipitous pass through the mountains, a blank mass of steep white, which we were to essay on the morrow.