Willowherb is closely related to fireweed and is sometimes called river-beauty, as it can often be found growing in the sand or gravel along rivers. This flower is well adapted to living in cold alpine and arctic environments. A willowherb flower was once observed going from completely frozen to thawed within a few hours with no damage to the flower! (Parks Canada)

We met in Whitehorse the day before the trip starts. We will have a brief pre-trip meeting and you will have enough time to pack your gear and discover Whitehorse. It will be your last night before switching to a tent.
Day 1
The shuttle will pick you up from your Whitehorse hotel in the morning. After a short drive, we will arrive at Carcross, where the caribou used to cross. Before switching to the train, you will have a chance to briefly visit the town. Then the train signal will make us embarque and the vintage wagon will bring us to Bennett, where we will start our way.
Day 2
Still fresh from the high tech-civilized life, we will tighten up our laces and move towards the Lindeman camp. Less than a century ago, people built thousands of boats in that area, leaving behind a piece of history in every corner. We will take our time to adjust our gear and appreciate the view. No rush, just peace.
Day 3
Slowly but surely we are getting used to the new routine. We will take some elevation, which will bring us towards a Happy Camp. Some consider this camp name unfair, but the beauty it hides is an absolute must see! Once we finish our day, we will take some rest earlier to be ready for our mourning push towards the pass.
Day 4
We start earlier than usual to appreciate the beauty and catch better weather. After reaching the pass, we will be back at Happy Camp for lunch. Later on the same day, we leave a Happy Camp towards the Deep Lake campground, where we can rest next to a majestic cascade.
Day 5
After a nice recuperative sleep, we will follow the lakes and descend from the alpine climate towards boreal. We will cross in one day from Long Lake towards Lindeman, which will lead our way towards the last tent night.
Day 6
After a long way and many days in an isolated backcountry, we’re heading towards the end. Compared to the other days, the short hike will bring us to Bennett Lake. Where the only leftovers of the town are the church, a couple of old Tlingit First Nations houses, and the train station, which one’s per day, becomes the most vivid place in town. Our way will be different; we leave Chilkoot by the air. In a fraction of an hour, the bush plane will bring us back to civilization. The beautiful landscapes will follow us up to your hotel in Whitehorse. Then your new adventure begins.